IFML Seminar
IFML Seminar: 04/04/25 - Robust Autonomy Emerges from Self-Play
Abstract: Self-play has powered breakthroughs in two-player and multiplayer games. In this talk, I show that self-play is a surprisingly effective strategy in another domain: robust and naturalistic driving emerges entirely from self-play in...
Upcoming Events
- April412:15 - 1:15pm
IFML Seminar
Abstract: Self-play has powered breakthroughs in two-player and multiplayer games. In this talk, I show that self-play is a surprisingly...
- April1112:15 - 1:15pm
IFML Seminar
Abstract: The widespread deployment of AI systems in critical domains demands more rigorous approaches to evaluating their capabilities and safety...
- April1812:15 - 1:15pm
IFML Seminar
Abstract: Ill-posed inverse problems appear in many critical scientific imaging scenarios where the goal is to reconstruct cleaner images faster...
Past Events
- August5All day
IFML Director Adam Klivans and IFML Co-director Alex Dimakis discuss DataComp , UT Austin's new Center for Generative AI, and...
- July21throughJuly26
IFML has partnered with UT Computer Science Summer Academies to launch the Academy for Machine Learning
- May312:15 - 1 pm
IFML Seminar
Abstract: In this talk, I will recount the developmental trajectory of video generation models at Picsart AI Research over the...
- April2612:15 - 1 pm
IFML Seminar
Abstract: AI has become all-encompassing in our society, it touches every technological aspect of our life, yet there is still...
- April251 - 2 pm
Abstract: Fast and robust recovery of images from a deluge of incomplete and noisy data is now within reach for...
- April18throughApril19
Join us for a two-day workshop celebrating the launch of the new CENTER FOR GENERATIVE AI and featuring research experts...