
IFML Seminar

On the Computational Complexity of Private High-dimensional Model Selection

Saptarshi Roy, Postdoc Research Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin


The University of Texas at Austin
Gates Dell Complex (GDC 6.302)
2317 Speedway
Austin, TX 78712
United States

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Abstract: We consider the problem of model selection in a high-dimensional sparse linear regression model under privacy constraints. We propose a differentially private best subset selection method with strong utility properties by adopting the well-known exponential mechanism for selecting the best model. We propose an efficient Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and establish that it enjoys polynomial mixing time to its stationary distribution. Furthermore, we also establish approximate differential privacy for the estimates of the mixed Metropolis-Hastings chain. Finally, we perform some illustrative experiments that show the strong utility of our algorithm.

Speaker Bio: I am currently a Postdoc Research Fellow at the University of Texas, Austin with a joint appointment in the Department of Computer ScienceDepartment of Statistics and Data Science, and the Institute for Foundations of Machine Learning. Prior to joining UT Austin, I completed my PhD in Statistics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor under the supervision of Prof. Ambuj Tewari. I completed my master's and bachelor's degree in Statistics from ISI, Kolkata. My research interest includes GenAI, high dimensional statistics, privacy, and online bandits.

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