
IFML Seminar

IFML Seminar: 03/07/25 - Spectral Norm of Random Matrices and Tensors


The University of Texas at Austin
Gates Dell Complex (GDC 6.302)
2317 Speedway
Austin, TX 78712
United States

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IFML Seminar

Abstract: In the first part of this presentation, I'll present a non-asymptotic bound for the spectral norm of a Gaussian series random matrix and show an application (by Bansal, Jiang, Meka) of this result to the Matrix Spencer Conjecture. In the second part, I'll present a non-asymptotic bound for the spectral norm of a random tensor with independent entries and discuss prior results on this problem.

(1) A.S. Bandeira, M.T. Boedihardjo, R. van Handel, Matrix Concentration Inequalities and Free Probability, Inventiones Mathematicae (2023)
(2) N. Bansal, H. Jiang, R. Meka, Resolving Matrix Spencer Conjecture up to Poly-logarithmic Rank, STOC (2023)
(3) M.T. Boedihardjo, Injective Norm of Random Tensors with Independent Entries, arxiv 2412.21193

Bio: March Boedihardjo is an assistant professor at Michigan State University.

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