Matus Telgarsky (NYU)
Parameter-free (Second Order) for Mon-Max OptimizationAli Kavis (UT Austin)
Testing Noise Assumptions of Learning Algorithms
Arsen Vasilyan (Simons Institute)
Looking at the Problem—Let X and Y Be Two Sample Spaces
Zaid Harchaoui (UW)
On the Role of Attention-Prompt Tuning with Tangents to Particle Picking in cryo-ET
Mahdi Soltanolkotabi (USC)
Learning General Gaussian Mixtures With Efficient Score Matching
Vasilis Kontonis (UT Austin)
Robust Mixture Learning when Outliers Overwhelm Small Groups
Fanny Yang (ETH Zurich)
Beyond Decoding: Meta-Generation Algorithms for Large Language Models
Sean Welleck (Carnegie Mellon)
Omnipredicting Single-Index Models with Multi-Index Models
Kevin Tian (UT Austin)
Understanding Contrastive Learning and Self-training
Sujay Sanghavi (UT Austin)
Revisiting Scalarization in Multi-Task Learning
Han Zhao (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Bypassing the Impossibility of Online Learning Thresholds: Unbounded Losses and Transductive Priors
Nikita Zhivotovskiy (UC Berkeley)
DataComp: Creating large public datasets for the AI open-source community
Alex Dimakis (UT Austin)
Some Easy Optimization Problems Have the Overlap-Gap Property
Tselil Schramm (Stanford)
The Truth about your Lying Calibrated Forecaster
Nika Haghtalab (UC Berkeley)
Learning from Dynamics
Ankur Moitra (MIT)