SysML Workshop
Aditya Akella, Sanjay Shakkottai
The University of Texas at Austin
United States

See the workshop agenda.
This workshop will explore emerging research problems and opportunities at the exciting intersection between computer systems and machine learning. We will consider how to rethink the design of computer systems from the ground up to enable principled ML-driven optimization, and explore new theoretical ML questions that must be addressed to ensure that systems offer the desired performance, robustness, and safety in practice. Alongside, we will discuss new ideas in the design of systems to support advancements in large-scale learning problems. This SysML workshop will bring together academics from UT Austin and beyond, as well as ML practitioners from the industry, to chart a research agenda for "systems + ML research" with an emphasis on real-world deployability.
Aditya Akella is a Regents Chair professor of Computer Science at UT Austin. Prof. Akella works on improving the performance, reliability, and correctness of Cloud and Internet infrastructure. His research straddles the boundary between computer networking and adjacent areas such as operating systems, databases, and formal methods. Prof. Akella has won numerous awards for his research, teaching, and service contributions. Akella's research has impacted production systems run by some of the world’s largest tech companies.
Sanjay Shakkottai is a Professor and holds the Cockrell Family Chair in Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UT Austin. He received the NSF CAREER award in 2004 and was elected as an IEEE Fellow in 2014. He was a co-recipient of the IEEE Communications Society William R. Bennett Prize in 2021. His research interests lie at the intersection of algorithms for resource allocation, statistical learning and networks, with applications to wireless communication networks and online platforms.
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